


The Vance

First chapters


The Foreverness
Message Board

Andreas Irle

The Cosmopolis





Derek Benson
�Marvellous� TI Matters, p12, Cosmopolis#41

Richard Chandler
Double Digitization, p6, Cosmopolis#09
A Note on The Narrow Land, p5, Cosmopolis#36
A Brief History of DD: From Scannos to TI, p19, Cosmopolis#40
Anticipating TI (Blue World, Kragen, Fleers and Flaunts), p31, Cosmopolis#42

Ron Chernich
Correcting Suldrun�s Garden, The Dragon Masters, Tschai, etc., p2, Cosmopolis#17

Chris Corley
OCR Errors, p22, Cosmopolis#08
Double Digitization, p14, Cosmopolis#14
A Salute to Post-Proofers, p7, Cosmopolis#61

Ian Davis
WordPick, p12, Cosmopolis#11
WordPick (TechnoProofing), p11, Cosmopolis#14

Patrick Dusoulier
Crushing the Lemon: Practical Use of the VDAE, p10, Cosmopolis#11
The Book of Dreams, p4, Cosmopolis#12
Correcting �The Book of Dreams�, p13, Cosmopolis#15
Big Planet, Big Scissors, p8, Cosmopolis#25
The Palace of Statistics (Palace of Love), p10, Cosmopolis#37
Diacriticals, p11, Cosmopolis#41
�Marvellous� TI Matters, p12, Cosmopolis#41

Rob Friefeld
The Sacred Hills of Erevan, The Fruits of Conduce, p5, Cosmopolis#40
Tidbits (�Mowing�), p3, Cosmopolis#47
TI Revealed, p34, Cosmopolis#60
Notes From the Front; �The 4 Johns�, p1, EXTANT#08
Strange She Hasn�t Written, End Note Sign-on, p1, EXTANT#09

Alun Hughes
The New Textual Integrity Principles, p4., Cosmopolis#02
Textual Integrity, Will Anyone Notice the Difference? p3, Cosmopolis#05
Textual Criticism & the VIE (approaches to textual restoration), p2, Cosmopolis#07
The Mugar Library (Magnificent Showboats, Emphyrio, The Palace of Love, The Killing Machine,
     Durdane, Abercrombie Station), p12, Cosmopolis#17

Chuck King
Editorial Mangling: A Monkey's Tale (Sjambak, Augmented Agent, Ten Books),  p7, Cosmopolis#31
Fun at the Mugar (Treasure on the Verso), p6, Cosmopolis#41
Letter (The Uninhibited Robot), p14, Cosmopolis#46
EQ Volume Update, p1, Cosmopolis#62
Strange She Hasn�t Written, End Note Sign-on, p1, EXTANT#09

Paul Rhoads
Vancian Punctuation (Wyst, Murthe), p8., Cosmopolis#07

Double Digitization Techniques, p15, Cosmopolis#14

Double Digitization Up-date, p17, Cosmopolis#17
Reports From TI Work (Gold/Iron, Rapparee, Valdals, Green Pearl, Commas),  p13, Cosmopolis#21
Project Report (Dragon Masters), p6, Cosmopolis#22
Marune: Alastor 933 (TI review), p4, Cosmopolis#23
Steve Sherman�s Lyonesse, p19, Cosmopolis#25
Remarks on Dictionaries, p6, Cosmopolis#27
Quotation Marks, Vance, and the VIE (Coup de Grace), p7, Cosmopolis#32
Vance versus Vance (Vance revisions: Guyal of Sfere, Noise), p4, Cosmopolis#33
Restoration Notes (Palace of Love, 3-Legged Joe, Man in Cage, Maske: Thaery), p5, Cosmopolis#38
Durdane Text Correction (More on Erevan and Conduce), p10, Cosmopolis#40
Durdane Geography (Everan, Conduce redux), p20, Cosmopolis#43
Tidbits from the Editor�s Desk (Planet Machine, �accroched�), p14, Cosmopolis#44

VIE Maps, Part 1, p6, Cosmopolis#46

Single Quotes, Italics and Chronology, p3, Cosmopolis#47
Crusade to Maxus (Coping with a extensive Vance revision), p7, Cosmopolis#47

VIE Maps, Part 2, p16, Cosmopolis#47

TI notes (Blue World, p7; Killing Machine, p8; Ports of Call, p9), Cosmopolis#48
Note on TI (TI Process), p7, Cosmopolis#50
Yet More Editorial Fiddling (Absent-Minded Professor), p8, Cosmopolis#50
Blue World CRT Notes (winks and geography), p3, Cosmopolis#51
Errata (Star King), p12, Cosmopolis#52
50 Winks (Blue World), p5, Cosmopolis#53
More VIE Work Notes (Showboats, Kragen, Killing Machine), p6, Cosmopolis#53
GM4.1 Post Proofing Kudos, p8, Cosmopolis#54
Stemma Dilemma, the Problem with Star King, p11, Cosmopolis#54
What Is a VCR? p6, Cosmopolis#58
Wave 1 Errata, p4, Cosmopolis#59
Comment On Rob Friefeld�s TI Article (Draft assessment of TI accomplishment, Wyst geography), p3, EXTANT#07
Correcting Suldrun�s Garden, The Dragon Masters, Tschai, etc., p2, �Marvellous� TI Matters, p12, Cosmopolis#41

Vancian spelling and The Norma Factor, comments on comments by Patrick Dusoulier and David B. Williams, p25, EXTANT#16

Steve Sherman
Reading Versus Proofreading, p19, Cosmopolis#08 
One Year of TI, (Lyonesse, Night Lamp, Marune, Wyst, Ghastly Floater, Dragon Masters), p1, Cosmopolis#21
Why Do We Review? (The Pleasant Grove Murders), p6, Cosmopolis#36
Uncle vs. Grandfather (Demon Princes), p7, Cosmopolis#41
The End of TI, p4, Cosmopolis#49
Correcting Suldrun�s Garden, The Dragon Masters, Tschai, etc., p2, Cosmopolis#17
�Marvellous� TI Matters, p12, Cosmopolis#41

Tim Stretton
News from the Ivory Tower: Textual Integrity on the March! p13, Cosmopolis#11
Monkey News (Wyst), p6, Cosmopolis#14
Correcting Suldrun�s Garden, The Dragon Masters, Tschai, etc., p2, Cosmopolis#17
�Marvellous� TI Matters, p12, Cosmopolis#41
Strange She Hasn�t Written, End Note Sign-on, p1, EXTANT#09

VIE document archive, Mazirian the Magician (ti narrative & cor-bf), p6, EXTANT18

Norma Vance
Quotation Marks, p14, Cosmopolis#33
Correcting Suldrun�s Garden, The Dragon Masters, Tschai, etc., p2, Cosmopolis#17

Koen Vyverman
VIE Statistics (vocabulary analysis), p4, Cosmopolis#06
Vocabulary/Dictionary Analysis Engine, p7, Cosmopolis#11
VIE Statistics Part II: Scaling the Purple Peaks of Pulp, p9, Cosmopolis#18
The Sas� System (Totality revealed, see Post Facto, Cosmopolis#62), p14, Cosmopolis#61
Post Facto, p9, Cosmopolis#63

David B. Williams
Star King, Magazine Printing and Publication Procedures, p4, Cosmopolis#54
Heroes and Villains: Jack Vance's Early Editors, p3, Cosmopolis#57

Suan Yong
The Man in the Cage, p20, Cosmopolis#25
The Durdane Cycle, p13,Cosmopolis#25
The Case of the Missing Hyphens: The Moon Moth Experiment, p5, Cosmopolis#35
Resolved at Last? That Pesky Durdane Geography, p32, Cosmopolis#42